Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Puzzle Creation I’m A Tad Bit Puzzled By The Creation Account. Can You Help?

I'm a tad bit puzzled by the creation account. Can you help? - puzzle creation

I was told this is not the death of the disease before the Fall (Genesis 3) There are thousands of different types of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites). Where are these organizations? When were they founded? Is that fair? Satan is not created? Did God create a new attitude provoked the anger? Pandora's Box?

As the agents of the people in the system of creation position?

I know there must be a simpler and more direct.


Scott M said...

The common response was that they were safe for the "fall". This work godmagic support quickly and inexpensively. It's as simple as a response to be achieved.

customco... said...

Gen 3:17 And Adam said, "Because you listened to the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree which I commanded you, say: We do not eat: Cursed [is] way because of you, and eat [that ] all the days of thy life;

Gen 3:18 thorns and thistles birth to thee, and thou shalt the herb of the field;

Gen 3:19 in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till you return to because they land you were taken: for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.


ruby_int... said...

Ok, so that scientists, please accept, on the one side (By the way, that the scientists were there to comment? Fans of science - the answer!) What are the pure science and pure religion must be agreed? If you are the religion that many who accept this question, simply trying to create problems, then you know that Satan did not create, not destroy Satan. Who said that the creation of events - how many years and is the word that he? Is carbon-14 data reliably after we have things that was inundated by the floods? How robust ness of the unknown, after all?

warlock_... said...

Perhaps you should consider, not the institution. Perhaps evoulution and the Big Bang (not an orgy of spending)

warlock_... said...

Perhaps you should consider, not the institution. Perhaps evoulution and the Big Bang (not an orgy of spending)

Earl D said...

Once completed, inspected biosphere nature takes over. This is perhaps where the development has begun.

GodShew said...

The Bible defines itself as "allegory" and "secret";
So literally cause much confusion.
Not to mention the plural and disadvantages mentioned as bi-polar.

God is not [the author] of confusion but of peace.
(God has no mercy, gracious, merciful only)

Remember, as if it were a history of comparative education.
There are "created" and "compare fact" too.
There are "image" and "similar to compare" to.
It's a show before and after God, the "equality" or "after."

God does not say: "Let us make man.
God has said in all, Let us make man.

The God of all grace, "You Make: perfect coordination ...
after you (do not deceive me, and so much Alway) suffer a little in the law to the law.

Creator: Create something wrong, and then deletes it.
Creator: Doing good is better, not destroy.

God sees no good and evil.
God has good x 6, very good 7th Time.

Learn how you WuAP article you solve a mystery.
It is explicitly designed to (our) learning.
Browse it as the last matrix.
You see, it is certainly under no illusions.
So be careful. Many will come ... to deceive.

Through the exhaust "give more attention."
The only option that says "dead end".
There is no escape: "escape" instead of "we."
COMPARE 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and 1 Thessalonians 5:9

It is always a question of the right-vs.-Grace
no matter how it allegorized
especially as Lie-against-the-truth in John 1:17.

The goal is to get it: understanding = grace glory.

The last thing God said from the beginning,
in particular, and Pauline is also written in all my letters;

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. AMEN.

tim said...

I do not know what the Bible says, it was not a disease after the flood.

Before the flood, the earth was very different.
It was covered with water ice on the atmosphere (in Genesis, God separated the water above the water below).

This flag has a number of things.
1), which made our work in the air pressure by 2 times what we have today.
2) the country was also about twice as high as the oxygen of today.

We know that the first two air samples collected in amber.

3) the water shield that prevents harmful rays from the sun.

This has a very healthy from the earth.
It was almost tropical from pole to pole (not the palm trees frozen in Antarctica, and the remains of the plum trees in northern Canada).
Today, doctors use chambers with oxygen and air pressure 2 time to heal, people from many different things.

If you have a camera on a rattlesnake hard to bring something, and the venom is very weak.

Most likely, the bacteria, viruses, fungi and other harmful things found today not, under the conditions that existed before the flood.

hobob m said...

If you created the teachings of the Bible, plagues and diseases followed by God. This was one of the main forms of punishment. In other words, if you follow the Bible.

carneyma... said...

Evolution can happen (yes, I think) in the creation. Bacteria, viruses, etc., have developed in the room of your needs. There are bacteria everywhere. Most bacteria are harmless and even useful. Some have evolved and dangerous and deadly. You can even today when it moved into an old acquaintance of animal to another species. Been developed and is now able to infect new ones. I guess that's what happened. I really do not know, it's just my guess.

Pseudony... said...

There is no God. It is the simple answer. It was developed a Big Bang, and the man.

John C said...

It was created with everything. The problem is that man has ever seen or terminology, until recently, and what the original authors have been possible, since the Bible was written by men included.

So yep always been and the people do not change in the Bible will never be included.

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